Game of Thrones filming spots in Dubrovnik

22 March 2021

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Editor’s Note: We urge you to check local government restrictions, rules, and safety measures related to COVID-19 and take personal comfort levels and health conditions into consideration before you travel.


Visiting Dubrovnik is like being transported into the medieval make-believe world of the sensational Game of Thrones (GOT) serial, that every fan yearns to relive. 


Yes, King’s Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms in the GOT series is  Dubrovnik. The city has been a wildly popular destination for fans tracing the many different filming locations within the old city and around it. We recommend staying in the old city to follow our list of GOT spots to your heart’s content early in the day while also avoiding crowds!

Pile Gate

S2 Ep.6: Here, the royal procession headed by King Joffrey, after bidding farewell to Princess Myrcella, is subjected to hoots of the starving crowds. The King then orders his outnumbered personal guards to execute the entire crowd, causing a riot.


Pile Gate, was one of the four gates leading into The City of Dubrovnik of old, on its west wall.


It consists of Inner and Outer City Gates. The Outer City gates were built like a semi-circular fortress in 1537. A stone bridge connected to a wooden drawbridge over the erstwhile moat leads to the Pile harbor. The drawbridge was closed each night to prevent intruders. And today they are always open to visitors from worldwide.


Stairs and a ramp lead down to an inner gate dating from 1460. The first view of the Stradun pedestrian promenade can be seen when passing through the Gothic arch.

By Jerzy Strzelecki/ Wiki Commons
By Jerzy Strzelecki/ Wiki Commons

Pile Bay a.k.a The Blackwater Bay

S2 Ep.6 : King Joffrey, Queen Cersei Lannister, Prince Tommen, Tyrion Lannister, and Sansa Stark see off Princess Myrcella, on the docks, as she departs for Dorne on a ship.

SERIES FINALE S8 Ep.6 : Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, and new King Bran the Broken meet Jon Snow before he leaves.


The location for King’s Landing Harbour is visible from Pile Harbour which is just outside the Old Town Walls of Dubrovnik close to Pile Gate. It is a small scenic fishing harbour set between the two fortresses of Bokar on the left and Lovrijenac on the right.


Fort Lovrijenack a.k.a The Red Keep

S2  Ep. 1: A match is held in the Red Keep in King’s Landing to celebrate King Joffrey’s name day.

S3 Ep.5 : Cersei asks Lord Petyr Baelish for assistance in ridding King’s Landing of the Tyrells.


Often called “Dubrovnik’s Gibraltar”, this 37m tall fortress and theater outside the city’s western wall overlooks the sea. It is famous as a setting for the play, Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ at the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. It is historically renowned for its plays and as a defense against Venetian rule. Above its entrance is a Latin inscription: “Non-Bene Pro Toto Libertas Venditur Auro” (“Freedom is not sold for all the gold of the world”).

By Sumitsurai/  Wiki Commons
By Sumitsurai/ Wiki Commons

Minčeta Tower a.k.a The House of Undying

S2 Ep.10: Danaerys gets back from a walk to find that her dragons have been stolen.


This rounded tower with 6m thick walls is the most beautiful and prominent city fort. Which is perhaps why it was used to film the iconic GOT scene where Danaerys is in pursuit of her lost dragons at the “House of Undying”. Offering an unforgettable view of the old town, it is regarded as the city symbol. 


Unravelog Tip: Google the viral meme “ Where are my dragons?”, if you haven’t already!


Jesuit Staircase

S5Ep.10: The “Walk of Shame” scene, in which Cersei Lannister is forced to walk naked through the streets of King’s Landing, begins at the top of the Jesuit Staircase.


These stairs are the most representative examples of Baroque architecture in Dubrovnik.  Built in 1738, it bears a stark resemblance to the well-known Spanish Steps in Rome. Walking up the stairs, you will come out on Boškovićeva Poljana (Bošković Square) where the Jesuit church of St. Ignatius and the Jesuit College is located.


At the bottom of the stairs, in Gundulic Square, there is a market selling fresh produce from the neighbouring villages.


Unravelog Tip: Fans can visit the Game of Thrones souvenir shop in the Boškovićeva Street at Bošković Square to have their photos taken on a replica Iron Throne.


Gradac Park

S4 Ep2. : The Purple Wedding feast where King Joffrey was poisoned  was filmed here. 


Gradac is Dubrovnik’s largest park, located on a clifftop above the Danača beach in the Pile-Kono district, just a short walk from the Old Town. It provides a shady respite for when the town gets too hot or crowded. Not to mention the superb views of the Lovrijenac Fortress, walls, the Old City, and its rooftops.

By donald judge/ Wiki Commons
By donald judge/ Wiki Commons

Fort Bokar

S2 Ep.8: Tyrion and Lord Varys are looking out at sea discussing the defense strategies for Kings Landing, at the fort.


Built in the 15th century, this semicircular two-story building was made to defend the main city gate from land or sea attacks. It is considered as one of Europe’s oldest casemented forts.


It is located on the Southwestern part of Dubrovnik City walls. As one part of the fort is standing on a detached rock, there are arched supports to bridge the gap. The sea passes beneath the fort.


Unravelog Tip: Buy a ‘City Walls’ admission ticket beforehand, to access all forts already mentioned, and the St.John’s Fortress.

By Marcin Konsek/ Wiki Commons
By Marcin Konsek/ Wiki Commons

Lokrum Island

The Monastery has been used to film exterior scenes in the city of Qarth. In S2Ep.5, it’s where Daenerys attends the party and meets the warlocks.


For GOT fans, the large medieval Benedictine monastery here is the main draw, with its restaurant and display of GOT and island history. Besides, Lokrum is a stunning island by itself – covered by Holm Oaks, Black Ash, Pines and Olive trees. It’s only a 10-minute ferry ride from Dubrovnik’s Old Harbor, and its rocky beaches are a popular swimming spot. Boats leave roughly hourly in summer (half-hourly in July and August). The public boat ticket price includes the entrance fee, or otherwise one has to pay 120KN at the island information centre.


It also offers a chance to pose on a replica of the Iron Throne.  Besides this, it houses a cloister garden and a botanical garden, featuring imported tropical plants. The 19th century Fort Royal at the centre offers views over the Old Town.


Unravelog Tip: If you’re game for unconventionality, there is a nudist beach nearby, the stuff Europe is famed for. To reach, head left from the ferry and follow the signs marked FKK; the rocks at the far end are in effect Dubrovnik’s gay beach. Another popular swimming spot is the small saltwater lake known as the Dead Sea.


Dubrovnik’s old-world charm definitely deserves more time and attention. If you want to travel the city with more time in hand, check out our detailed itinerary that unravels Dubrovnik in 3 days.

Unravelled by: Nikita

Nikita is a lover of the written word and the world of fiction. She has a sweet tooth, and also obsesses over her hair.

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